.CO and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
If you are a website owner, you know that attracting qualified visitors to your website is incredibly important, and incredibly complex.
There are many methods that webmasters use in order to entice potential customers to their site—one of the most important and effective of those being Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
SEO is the art and science of driving the most qualified visitors to your website by attaining high search engine results. If you are not already applying the best practices of SEO to your website, you are missing out on qualified visitors ready to convert.
Whether you are already integrating SEO into your online marketing mix or not, you may ask yourself how a .CO domain stacks up against a .com. Do Google and the other search engines treat it the same? Does it have the same potential to rank high in search engines? The short answer is: YES.
A .CO web address is a gccTLD which means that it operates similar to legacy Top Level Domains (gTLD), such as .com, .net and .org.
Google’s search quality engineer and Search Engine Optimization authority, Matt Cutts, has confirmed that .CO websites are treated just the same as any website on a traditional domain extension.
A .CO website has the exact same potential to rank well within search engines, assuming it provides valuable content to the internet community.
In fact, a .CO domain offers several SEO-friendly advantages that a legacy domain does not:
It’s Available. It is extremely frustrating for people in search of a domain name they really want and need only to find out that it—and many of its similarly named counterparts—are already taken. .CO domains allow site owners to obtain the domain they need in order to succeed.
It’s Short. SEO best practices also outline that not only is keyword relevance important, but so is length—the shorter and more streamlined, the better.
It’s Relevant. An optimized URL name is one of the most important aspects of SEO. In order to rank well in search engines for a site owner’s key terms, it is highly beneficial to have those terms in the domain name.
It’s Memorable. CO stands for “company” around the world and is quick and easy to type and remember.
Buy your .CO domain name at https://domains.netlittle.com/default.aspx
Source: http://www.go.co/about/seo/